Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Knees, swimming, and criss cross applesauce (indian style)

Pain, pain, pain.  This has been the life story of my knees lately.  It hurts to even sit indian I mean criss cross apple sauce if I want to be politically correct.  If you ask me, I think the Indians are probably honored that we named a sitting pose after them.  Anyways, it hurts to sit with my legs crossed.  This is quite a problem considering I work at a pre-school and am on the floor quite a bit of the day.  I've been sitting with my legs stretched out kind of sneakily behind the circle so hopefully none of my kids will notice.  So far so good!  They're pretty smart though, we'll see how long I can try to hide.

I think all the years of wearing and tearing my knees with gynmastics, cheerleading, and in the past three years, running, my knees have about had it.  I decided to turn my running shoes in and trade them for some goggles and try swimming!  I haven't actually gotten the goggles yet, but I sure plan to.  I've only been swimming twice so far, but I love it!  The only bad experience I've had was yesterday when I almost ran into the wall doing some back strokes.  I need to work on keeping myself in a straight line needless to say. For anyone who loathes running, but really wants to exercise, I highly recommend swimming.  I'm going to try not to overdo it though.  I love those women who compete in the olympics and all and I'm sure they have great hearts, but they sure do have some broad shoulders.  No thanks.  That's all for now.... Have a blessed day!  

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