Bueno! That’s what they say on the phone to say hello to each other down in Mexico, at least in the Chihuahua. Anyways, we’re moving in 6 days! Good night! Where did the time go? I remember when we were counting down from 100 days. So I have been a roller coaster of emotions lately and I’m o.k. with that. I’m excited, sad, nervous, and expectant all at the same time. I thought I would do one last post on here before we head to Denver on Saturday.
There are so many things I’m going to miss in Fayetteville. I made a list of things I’m going to miss and thought I would share.
1. My family. They mean the world to me and I will miss them something fierce. It’s hard knowing that I won’t get to go to every soccer game or dance recital that my sister will be in next year. It’s hard knowing that I can’t ask my mom to go get a pedicure if I’ve had a hard day at work. It’s hard knowing that I won’t see my Dad three times a week at his office where I taught voice and piano lessons the past two years. They are one great set a peoples!
2. My friends: Rachel, Abby, Darby, Rebekah, Julie, Ann, Rose. Couldn’t ask for greater people to have spent some extremely monumental times in my life with. You all have challenged me, encouraged me, and been there through good and bad. I know, I know, I’m getting kind of cheesy and sentimental, which I’m usually not a fan of, but it’s just so true, so I’m allowing cheesy sentimental statements into my vocabulary just this once.
3. Farmer’s Market-Good golly miss Molly! How I love Farmer’s Market. I went just yesterday and it just warms my heart. Oops, there I go again talking cheesy. Last time, truly. I got some flowers for probably the last time in a while.
4. The South in general. Nowhere else in the country can you go somewhere and hear the familiar and lovely accent of a southerner. I don’t have that much of an accent, but I just love how it sounds. I’ll miss that.
5. The trees. I know it sounds strange because there are tons of trees in the mountains, but they are mostly evergreens and aspens and weird stuff that Arkansas doesn’t have. Colorado doesn’t have the thick and lush trees that Arkansas has. There are a lot of wide open spaces for bike trails, but I will miss riding along Skull Creek trail with all the big green trees and vegetation.
Things I’m excited about:
1. Being with just Andrew! We know a total of four people in Denver. This will be the first time in our life where we won’t have the security net of friends, family, and familiarity. I’m so excited about having to rely on just my husband. I want to learn what it means to better submit and respect him during this time. This will probably be a challenge for me at first since I’m bent toward being so independent and not wanting to ask for help, but I want to be different. I know our culture says look out for numero uno, but I want to be better about asking for help and about letting people actually help me, starting with my husband.
2. The mountains! Wahoo. Who doesn’t love the good ol’ Rocky Mountains. ‘Nuff said.
3. Being out of the Bible belt. In Colorado, you’re either a Jesus follower or not, and people will tell you exactly where they stand. There are churches, but they are few and far between the farther you go from Denver. Summit County, which is two hours from us, is the second least reached county in the U.S. There are virtually no churches in this county. I am excited about interacting and getting to know people that are “unchurched.” Not to convert them, but just to be around people that are different than me and to love on them and show them the love of Jesus. Something they may not have experienced. It’s Jesus’ job to convert.
4. Colorado is the healthiest state in the U.S. There are bike lanes on almost every road one might travel, whole food stores on every corner, and there are gyms all over the place. I don’t want to make an idol of this or anything, but I’m excited to be in an environment like this.
5. The unknown. I'm excited and nervous about this. It’s super uncomfortable, but I love knowing that Jesus has given me this opportunity to step out in faith and see what happens. I’ll let you know what happens!
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