I’m almost 23 years old now and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I have secretly always wanted to be and or do three things. These include being an Irish shepherdess, a protestant nun, and a hot air balloon guide. The protestant nun job would be pretty amazing if you think about it. I could stay married, do the work of Jesus and get to wear those insanely awesome robs and maybe jazz them up a little. I was thinking Patriotic themed Monday, Leopard print Tuesday, and who knows what the good Lord could have in store for the rest of the week! Any suggestions? Andrew and I weren’t quite unified on the whole thing though, so I have decided to lay down my desire for nunnery at the foot of Jesus. However, being a hot air ballon guide and an Irish Shepherdess would be great too. I think God may have something else in store for me though.
I thought I was supposed to have a career and a house and basically have life figured out by now. Nope! Not even close. I have none of these things. Instead, I have a dog that has a ridiculous amount of separation anxiety, a third floor apartment which has caused my car to be a never ending pile of assorted items that I can’t fit into one trip up the four flights of stairs to my apartment, and an extra ten pounds. Boy howdy! Livin’ the good life.
No, I have been incredibly blessed beyond measure with the life I have, it’s just very different than I imagined, in a good way though. I constantly fight the desire to have an established career, a house, and the overall impression of being settled though. And while there is nothing wrong with those things, my motives for all of it is the approval and praise of other people. I want so badly to be seen as a grown up that has things all figured out sometimes. I don’t though, and honestly, when I really sit down and think about it, I hope I don’t come to a point in my life where I do. It’s still a battle though. The real truth is that I have secretly wanted to open a flower shop since I was about 19. I put bouquets together at the Farmer’s Market for about 6 months and fell in love with it. I think I have a real eye for colors and design, or so I’ve been told. I accidentally killed most of the flowers for my friend Abby’s wedding last summer. Seriously. I put most of them in my fridge to keep cool and the fridge was on too high of a setting and they all withered and died. Yeah, it was bad. Luckily we were able to save a few things and the wedding from the previous night at the venue had tons of flowers left over. Praise the good Lord. I, along with my good friend Rachel rushed to put together Abby’s bouquet as well as all the bridesmaid’s bouquets. They turned out really beautiful. The picture at the top of this post is the final product! It was so neat getting to make her bouquet, even if I was the one who killed nearly everything in the first place. Thanks for giving me grace, Abby!
I feel silly even thinking about doing something like that though. The pay is really not that great and I feel like it’s not prestigious enough. I’m going to throw caution to the wind though and take a chance. I contacted about 12 floral shops in Denver today to see if they would be hiring in June to hopefully get some really good experience. Who knows if it will work out, but it’s worth a shot!